
reiki woman 2


What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is a Japanese name consisting of two words, Rei and Ki and means ‘Universal Energy’.  This is the energy that animates all living things and is found all around us.  It is a form of healing where this ‘universal energy’ is channelled through the practitioner to the patient.   As this energy moves through you it helps to harmonise the body, mind and spirit.

Why choose Reiki?

Reiki can help ‘recharge your batteries’, help you feel energised and stress-free.  It can also help with various ailments and conditions, often reducing pain and speeding the body’s natural healing.

What happens during a Reiki treatment session?

During a treatment you remain fully clothed and can be seated or lying down, in calm peaceful surroundings.  When you are comfortable the Reiki practitioner places their hands gently on or just above you.  As they move around you, holding their hands on or over your body, the energy is directed wherever it needs to go.  This energy flows wherever it is required and you only draw in as much as you need.  Your body then uses this energy in whatever way is appropriate for you.

Reiki is deeply relaxing, eases stress and is a calming and soothing experience.  During this time you might feel a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth, coolness, other sensations or sometimes nothing at all.

It can be helpful if you can rest for a short time afterwards and drink plenty of water to help your body detox.  Try to listen to what your body needs and rest if you are tired.  You might find that you sleep well after a session and remember that Reiki energy will continue its work after the session ends and beneficial effects may be felt for several days.

How often do I need to have a treatment?

Even one session of Reiki can make a difference, however, it is usually more effective to have a course of treatments.  You might choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on your individual needs.

Some people find that occasional visits are enough to keep them feeling healthy and relaxed and others like to have treatment regularly.

Making an Appointment

I offer Reiki in very peaceful surroundings in Llanmadoc, Gower.  In some circumstances it may be possible to offer Reiki at your location.  Please contact me to discuss your requirements.