
“With your help I have managed to take all my disappointments and turn them into positive learning experiences... It is like a light has been turned on inside my head and the sadness, the upset, the low down feelings I used to get have been replaced with a determination to be happy.  I have a whole new attitude which looks for the light in my life, instead of the dark.  What if’s and why me’s still pop into my head but my new attitude says in a louder voice, ok accept the things you cannot change and concentrate on all the good stuff.  My goodness when you really start to think like that the good stuff gets bigger and brighter and the darkness gets less and less.

Thank you Sue for showing me the light, that this way of thinking can really make a difference and I feel I am not stuck in a rut any more.  I am still the same person but a brighter, lighter, happier and more confident version of myself and I have to say I LOVE IT!!!!!”  N Wren, Gloucestershire.


“Working with Sue changed my life! With her help I was able to safely challenge my thinking and make positive changes in my life. Alternating my perspective on life events has freed me up to live happier and positively.
Sue gives you 100% every session, I felt really looked after, understood and not judged. I would recommend this to anyone.” T Davidson, Wiltshire.


“If there is an issue which you are finding difficult to confront in life, either general or specific, this sort of coaching from Sue may allay your fears and give you the ability to move forward and confront the debilitating issue. This is a great analytical approach to a specific problem. All the issues discussed with Sue have had a positive outcome since our session.”  R Lee, Hampshire


“The meeting with you was unbelievably helpful and I got rid of a lot of demons and issues in one morning.  It has made a huge difference.  Thank you so much for everything.”  Name withheld, Gloucestershire


“Your Coaching was just the support I needed to create some space in my life for me.  In just two coaching sessions I’m able to focus my energy on making real change in my life. Sue’s coaching motivated me to address issues and solve problems in all areas of my life. She was able to take my thoughts about what I wished would change but thought might be impossible and help me turn them into action plans to initiate real change.”  M Forest, Somerset.


“Sue helped me learn so much about helping myself through Matrix Re-imprinting, and tapping and just being kind to myself.  I gave up smoking during a very hard time in my life which is a miracle in itself!!  She is also very gentle and kind and you can tell her anything without that dreaded ‘being judged’ feeling.  She is just lovely I whole heartedly recommend her to everyone.”  N Wren, Gloucestershire


“Sue’s Matrix Reimprinting/Coaching is deep reaching and life changing. The changes are with me months later and I feel far better for them.  Sue gently guided me through the process until the origin of my problem was discovered to be way back when I was a very young child. It was a revelation to discover the repeating patterns throughout my life that stemmed from those early years.  Sue uses tapping during the session and I felt wonderfully relaxed and peaceful, and lighter.  A few days later I was able to attend an important function brimming with confidence and with my head held high.  I would thoroughly recommend a visit to Sue for Matrix Reimprinting.  She is wonderfully easy to talk to and I trust her completely.  I have found there has been no recurrence of the challenges I had before the session, which is wonderful”.  S Parkes, Gloucestershire